Jumaat, 30 November 2012
Khamis, 29 November 2012
Magnets Attract Some Materials.
Objects that are made of iron, steel or nickel can be attracted by magnets. They are called magnetic objects.
Objects that are made of wood, plastic, glass or gold cannot be attracted by magnets. They are called non-magnetic objects.
Which Magnet Is the Strongest?A good way to test how strong different magnets are is to see how many magnetic objects it can attract. Try this experiment with your magnets!
What You Will Need:
What You Will Need:
- Several magnets
- Box of paperclips
- Notebook
- Pencil
- Someone to help you
- Have your helper hold on to one end of one of the magnets. Stick one paperclip to the other end of the magnet. One end of the paperclip should dangle off the magnet. (Your magnet may be really strong, so you may need your helper to hold the paperclip so just an end is touching the magnet rather than the side of the paperclip, like in the picture.)
- Now touch another paperclip to the end of the first paperclip to start a paperclip chain. Keep adding paperclips until no more stick to the chain. In your notebook, write down how many paperclips the magnet was able to hold together in a chain before paperclips started to fall off.
- Do steps 1 & 2 with the other magnets, recording in your notebook how many paperclips would stick in a chain to each magnet.
What's Happening?
When a magnet touches another magnetic object (such as a paperclip), the object becomes a temporary magnet for as long as it is touching the real magnet! It can now be used to pick up more paperclips. Each additional paperclip also becomes a temporary magnet with a weaker magnetic force than the one before it. Some magnets may be able to hold a chain of five paperclips while another magnet may only be able to hold one or two paperclips. How many paperclips a magnet can hold is a good indication of its strength. If you have a strong enough magnet and lift up the paperclips long enough, you may find that some of the paperclips will keep the ability to act like magnets for a little while even when they are not touching the magnet. If this happens, you have just made a very strong temporary magnet.
When a magnet touches another magnetic object (such as a paperclip), the object becomes a temporary magnet for as long as it is touching the real magnet! It can now be used to pick up more paperclips. Each additional paperclip also becomes a temporary magnet with a weaker magnetic force than the one before it. Some magnets may be able to hold a chain of five paperclips while another magnet may only be able to hold one or two paperclips. How many paperclips a magnet can hold is a good indication of its strength. If you have a strong enough magnet and lift up the paperclips long enough, you may find that some of the paperclips will keep the ability to act like magnets for a little while even when they are not touching the magnet. If this happens, you have just made a very strong temporary magnet.

Isnin, 26 November 2012
1.Soils made of stones, sand, clay, slit and bits of dead animals and plants.
2.Soil from different places have different contents.
3.Sandy soil lets water flow through it very well.
4.Clay soil does not let water flow trough it easily.
5.Garden soil lets water flow trough it well.
6.Plants grow differently in different soil.
7.Plants grow well in garden soil because it contains
2.Soil from different places have different contents.
3.Sandy soil lets water flow through it very well.
4.Clay soil does not let water flow trough it easily.
5.Garden soil lets water flow trough it well.
6.Plants grow differently in different soil.
7.Plants grow well in garden soil because it contains
enough water for the plants.
Isnin, 19 November 2012
Day / Date : 19.03.2012 Time : 8.00-8.30 am
Class : 6 N.of pupils: 25
Subject : Science
Theme : 2.Investigating Force and Energy
L.Area : 1.Force
L.Objective : 2.1 Analysing Friction.
L.Outcomes : By the end of the lesson pupils able to
2.1.1. State that friction is a type of force
2.1.2. Conclude that friction occur when two surfaces are in contact.
Previous knowledge: Pupils already knows that push and pull are forces.
Concept : 1.Friction is a type of forces.
2.Friction occur when two surfaces are in contact.
3..Friction can slow down the movement of an object.
Materials needed ( BBM ) : Chalk, ruler, measuring tape, ball and manila card.
Value(s) incorporated: 1.Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.
2. Reallising that science is a means to understand nature.
3.Being diligent and persevering.
Skills covered : Observing , making inferences, Making conclution.
Step /Time
Teaching and learning activity
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Teacher’s activity
Pupils activity
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Set Induction
( +/- 3 minutes )
Recalling that push andpull are forces.
Teacher’s brifing
Teacher asks question
What is force?
Pupils answer that pushand pull are forces.
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Lesson Development
Step 1
( +/- 10 minutes )
Step 2
( +/- 10 minutes )
State that friction is a type of force.
Describe the effect of friction.
Teacher asks one of the pupil to come infront of
the class.
Give a piece of chalk.
Asks the pupil to measure the length of the chalk.
Record the measurement on the Table 1.
Asks the pupil to rub the chalk on the wal for few times.
Then asks the pupil to measure again the chalk and write the measurement.
Teacher asks pupils why the chalk become shorteh after it was rubbed on the wall.
Teacher explain that the chalk become shorter because of friction.
Teacher guide pupils to make conclusion that friction happen when the chalk was undergoes the proces of push and pull.This proces occurs friction between challk and the wall.
Teacher asks two pupils to come infront.
Teacher asks pupils to do the activity on the
Table 2.
Asks pupils to measure the distance travalled by the ball.
Teacher asks pupils to tell thei observation.
Asks the pupil sto make inference based on the experiment.
The pupil measure the length of the chalk and write the measurement on the Table 1.
The pupil will rub the chalk on the wall for few times.
Then measure the length of the chalk after rubbing the chalk.
Pupils will answer that the wall is rough and the chalk was rubbed on the wall so that it becomes shorter.
Pupils agrees that the chalk become shorther because of the friction between the chalk and the wall.
One of the pupil will roll the ball on the cement floor.Then measure the distance.
After that roll the ball on the carpet.Measure the distance.Record the distance travalled by the ball on both surfaces.
Pupils answer the question.Fill in the table 2 with the correct answer.
Table 1 ( manila card )
Table 2
Measuring tape
Table 2
( +/- 7 minutes )
Teacher gives the pupils acivity sheet.
Teacher will asks pupils to answer some of the question from the activity sheet.
Teacher asks pupils to recall what they have learnd.
Conclude that friction can slow the movement of an object (effect of friction )
Pupils answer all the questions.
Pupils will answer the questions.
Pupils answer that:
1.Friction is a type of force.
2.Friction occur when two surfaces are in contact.
3.Friction can slow down the movement of an object.
Activity sheet
Randomly from the pupils
Random questioning by teacher.
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